Being a life time book worm and book addict, I have come to conclusion that I have read more books than I can remember and need yet another outlet to calm that nagging compulsion of constant reading, book handling and bookshop shopping. If I'm not reading books, then I read about books, or I'm buying books, or looking at photos of books on tumblr. (I will eventually start a blog linked to this one there too.) I have noticed that there are many co-addicts who will understand me and I hope to share my book angst here with those who understand it.
I am currently stuck in freezing Europe. House worn and feeling overly active due to copious amounts of coffee. I am currently working my way through Bleak House (Penguin Classics) by Charles Dickens. At over 1000 pages, I have decided that I need company and support to get me through this giant tome of book. I am simultaneously loving it and wondering when it will end and how I will get through it. Because.....well.....there are many other books I need to read. They are sitting on my shelf staring at me and hiding from me in my E reader. But they are there and they are calling my name.
This is not going to be a review blog, but more like a journal for me to document the books I read and post links to articles or blogs about books. I am hoping others will enjoy. Feel free to comment and we can share thoughts about books and recommend good books to read.
The E Readers are here to stay so smell as many books as you can!
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