The big news of the weekend is that I finally finished Bleak House. I turned off the DVD player and made a reading commitment and plunged in to the end. I can read pretty quickly if I get focused.
I think what was kind of hard for me in reading the book was it went on and on and new characters were constantly introduced, the writing style changed from first to third person and it was kind of like a Desperate Housewives style of story line with comedy, drama and mystery change ups. (More proof to me that Charles Dickens would have been writing for TV or films had he been a live today!) I wondered while I read it what it would have been like reading it as a newspaper serial which was how it was originally published. I think Charles Dickens could have easily gone on for another 3,000 pages and probably not taken a breath or let up in any way. Reading it in book form made it a bit tedious although the story kept me going to the end.
I didn't like this book as much as Great Expectations, But I am glad I read it as my goal is to eventually have read all of his books.
I am currently re-reading Bleak House and I noticed someone is doing a read-along which is probably a good way to tackle it as you read it in bite size installments which kind of replicates the way it was originally delivered, so that might be the best way to read a novel like BH. What did you think of the character of Esther, I must admit I find her intensly irritating and her narrative the worst part of the novel.
Yes, I read it with Guardian's book reader club so I just dove in. Considering the size and scope, I was amazed I hung in there. I had to put down and restart Great Expectations and I ended up liking that book better.
Esther is so annoying. Someone in the Guardian group said they figured she is passive/agressive. I say, co dependent. But I was caught up in what would happen to her in the end.
Happy Bleak House reading! ;)
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