Saturday, February 25, 2012

Little Women

Last night I finished Little Women by Lousia May Alcott. This is a comfort book for winter reading. Jo, Meg, Beth and Amy have been my friends since I first read abut them as a child and they will always be my friends. They are always there for me when I need to read a book that makes me feel "safe."

What really hits me about reading Little Women as an adult, is that while it is about girls growing up into women, it is not really written in a childish style. It reads like an adult book. I think that's why I liked it so much when I was a child. I was always reading books way above my reading level and this book was not written down to a child's level, yet was about girls growing up. This made the book more enjoyable for me.

Some books deserved to be re read as an adult and this is one of those books.


Sharon said...

I have not read Little Women but for me Jane Eyre has a similar place, some books can grow with you. Like your blog name by the way I love the way books especially old books.

Kate said...

Oh Jane! I love her too! :)

Danny said...

I've never read any Alcott, but I plan to this summer. I want to read Little Men as well as Little Woman.

Pretty blog!


Kate said...

Thanks for the compliment! Yes I realize I need to read Little Men as well. I have not read it yet!